The operating instructions and other documents always refer to the firmware version or device state of construction.
During the switch-on sequence of the device, the hardware and software release is displayed briefly (for approx. 1 s) in the display.
Example: "rEL" "02.004", where "02" stands for the hardware version and "004" for the software version. When the device is switched on, you can use the device menu [MENU] "SEtUP dEViCE", [<] "AUX", [ENTER] "InFo", [>] "VErSi", [ENTER] "rEL" "02.004" call up the ad.
The hardware and firmware version can be viewed by using the query command "* IDN?" available. If you use the SOFTFRONT panel (SFP) for the SYSKON constant, the HW and SW releases are automatically displayed in the "SYSTEM" window.